Sunday, 27 May 2007

Emotional is Not Emo

Why is it that when anything on TV attempts to show an emotional core, no matter how relevant to the central drama, does some little sod cry out that it is "emo"? Emo? Oh, its all emo and emotional. So being emotional is emo, is it?

Would it not be easier to note that drama is nothing without emotion. Would we care for Hamlet's lose of his father, if he was just a stereotypical Arnie character on his revenge mission? Hardly. Would we care for Arthur Dent if his reaction to the world being blown up was liaise-fare? I think not. Hell, would we even give a toss what Phreedom is on about, if she stopped fretting over her relatives and past and just skipped merrily into the Vellum without a care in the world? Probably not. Or maybe Arthur needs to take off the pre-teen angst CDs, and smell the plot device.

Fact is, being emotional is not emo. Emo is nancy-pancy, trying to be nu metalesque My Chemical Romance "oh woe is me, my girlfriend likes another guy and now I have acne" prepubescent scumrock which has as much place in contemporary society as my 5-year old self's scrawlings have in the National Library. But at a good drama there lies the emotional heart.

And that is NOT emo.

Other things that piss me off lately
- I should be writing, but I am playing CHamp Manager instead.
- I should be studying, but I am not on the basis that Med History is utter rubbish, dull, run by hypocritical condescending idiots and frankly, i'll do it later.
- The song in my head is rather catchy. It is also by james blunt......Despair!
-Mandy wants me to write more of Vamp so she can get her plot fix, and I keep putting it off.
-Michael Portillo was on TV.

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