Friday 24 July 2009

Top Ten Simpsons Episodes

This was bloody hard...

10 Sideshow Bob Roberts
- "You can't handle the truth. No truth- handler, you. Bah! I deride your truth- handling abilities."

9 Bart of Darkness
Automated phone: Hello, and welcome to the Springfield Police Department "Rescue Phone"! If you know the name of the felony being committed, press one. To choose from a list of felonies, press two. If you are being murdered, or are calling from a rotary phone, please stay on the line.
[Bart presses four numbers on the phone]
Automated phone: You have selected "regicide!" If you know the name of the King or Queen being murdered, press one.
[Bart hangs up]

8 Much Apu About Nothing
Marge: What you're saying is so understandable. And really, your only crime was violating U.S. law.

7 Cape Fearer
Lisa: It's from my pen pal, Anya!
[As Lisa reads, the letter writer's voice can be heard in voice over.]
Anya: "Dear Lisa - as I write this, I am very sad. Our president has been overthrown and...
Gruff male voice: ...replaced by the benevolent General Krull. All hail Krull and his glorious new regime! Sincerely, Little Girl."

6 Homer vs the 18th Ammendment
Rex Banner: You're out there somewhere, Beer Baron, and I'll find you.
Homer: [Faintly, as from a long way away] No, you won't!
Rex Banner: Yes, I will!
Homer: [Faintly] Won't!

5 Trilogy of Error
Wiggum: [answering phone] 9-1-1. This'd better be good.
Marge: I just cut off my husband's thumb!
Marge: It was an accident!
Wiggum: Yeah, yeah. Save it for "Dateline: Tuesday." Uh, what's your address so I can come arrest you?
Marge: Arrest me? Um, my address, it's um, 1-2-3 ... Fake Street.
Wiggum: [writing address down] 1-2-3 Fake Street. Okay see you soon!
Ned: [reading] Harry Potter, and all his wizard friends, went straight to Hell for practicing witchcraft.
Todd: Yay! [Ned throws the book into the burning fireplace]

4 Who Shot Mr Burns (Part One)
Superintendent Chalmers: Why is it when I heard the word "school" and the word "exploded," I immediately thought of the word "SKINNER"?!
Homer: Here's your package, Mr. Burns.
Mr. Burns: My name is the return address, you senseless dunderpate! Smithers, who is this nincompoop?
Homer's brain: Oh, I've worked here for ten years and my boss doesn't even know my name. Well that's gonna change right now!
Homer: My name is Homer J. Simp--
[Burns pushes a red button; a 1000g (therefore tiny) weight falls on Homer's head.]
Homer: Ow! -- son.
Mr. Burns: [inspecting the weight] Hmm, sounded large when I ordered it. [sighs] I can't make hide nor hair of these metric booby traps.

3 Brother from Another Series
[Cecil has locked Bob, Bart and Lisa in the dam and leaves to blow it up.]
Lisa: Oh, it's hopeless! Utterly, utterly hopeless!
Sideshow Bob: Oh, I see. When it's one of my schemes, you can't foil it fast enough. But when Cecil tries to kill you, "It's hopeless! Utterly, utterly hopeless!"

2 The Boy Who Knew Too Much
"Oh my god, someone took a bite out of the big rice krispie square. Oh, and the waiter's been brutally beaten."

1 Homer Heretic
"We interrupt this current affairs programme to bring you...a football match."

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